
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Getting to know you!

This was pretty fun last week, so I figured I’d join the fun again. And if you join the fun and link up, 25 cents will be donated to the Haiti relief fund..what’s better than that??

Head over to Manland5 and link up to help a great cause.

1. Hair color..Au naturale..or not?

Not natural..but not far off at all. Im naturally a medium brunette, and I color to a dark brunette.

2. If somebody has food in their teeth or lipstick on their teeth do you tell them?

Eeeeeeeeeek! It really depends on who it is. If it’s my husband, sister or a really good friend? Yes I’d most definitely tell them. If it’s a stranger or an acquaintance? No way!

3. Would you rather have a million dollars or your vision of the perfect body?

Well couldn’t a million dollars buy me the perfect body?

4. Favorite magazine?

I cannot and will not chose just one. I buy way too many magazines and subscribe to at least 5 different ones too! I am what some may call a “magazine whore”.

5. Bra style..lacey or plain?

I have a few of each, thank you very much!

6. If you walked into Victoria's Secret..would you most likely come out with something sexy or comfy?

Comfy…Just went there yesterday and bought some Pink brand sweatpants…ohhhh so comfy!

7. Do you fake and bake?

Is this tanning? If so, then no I do not.

8. What's your favorite body part on a man?

A pearly white smile!

Until next time, don’t forget to floss!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love they're pink sweats..They're the best!

    I love magazines too..but I'm only getting 3 right now..Honestly I just love getting mail..

    Thanks for linking up!

