
Monday, October 19, 2009

Not me Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

It sure wasn't freezing out this morning. And if it was, there would be no way I’d bring Prince L out without his hat! Nope, not me! I would make sure the find the lost hat, before leaving the house!

Speaking of the cold weather…there’s no way I’d drag my bundled up children, costumes and all, to Boo! at the Zoo. No way would I go and spend a few hours walking around in the freezing cold, especially with a 10 month old!!

I really don’t think it was me that put a few extra toys in Prince L’s crib in hopes that he’d just play in the morning instead of crying and waking me up..(he didn’t give 2 hoots about those toys anyways)

Finally…I’m pretty sure it wasn’t my husband that was feeding Prince L last night and pulled a dried up booger out of his nose, then handed it to me..that is so gross and I know my husband has more class than that!

Ok, that’s all I have for the week…until next time, don’t forget to floss!!


  1. Boo at the zoo sounds fun, even in the cold. Thanks for sharing! Gotta' love those dried buggers....Kathy

  2. So I'm assumming that you are in the Springs, because of the Boo at the Zoo?! I really want to check that out!! Nice to meet you, thanks for stopping by! I used to dental assist, I miss it SO much!

  3. Your husband cracks me up!!! What is it about MEN??!! :)

    We did Boo at the Zoo in Alabama and that was too cold for me!!! You have a lot of guts to do that! You go momma!
